Extensions, in the Firefox application, are adding web enabled applications, or functions. Adding weather to your browser, etc. This is an excellent application, but this only works with FireFox, the browser. Each application has it's own function the fact that it's attached to Firefox is irrelevant. Firefox, or mozilla, are merely the means by which weather is delivered. Another example, in my opinion is the AOL application which contains very helpful applications within it, but are only attached to the client. I believe they termed it “sticky” applications. Now from a marketing standpoint, sticky applications are beneficial for bolstering an application. Remember those great little sticky creatures which came in cereal boxes? Usually an octopus, the ones that would stick to the walls. Shamefully enough, this is what comes to mind when I think of sticky, but it bolstered Capt'n Crunks sales in my house. Or did it? I don't believe this thought of “sticky” is what the manufacturers of applications would like you to think. The applications, IMHO (Thanks AOL for IM), are only a means to deliver a good, if that good is no good, doesn't matter if you hand deliver the goods.
Let's look at these systems once more. The AOL Instant Messenger, or AIM, gives me a tool to communicate with others very efficiently while signed on, on my cell phone or just all around in general, jacked-in. I don't personally use this tool and I'm not sure why I stopped using AIM. Perhaps I stopped because I get ads. I know it's free, but I don't really like the idea of giving up everything I use it for to get it free. When AIM starts, I get a “Welcome Screen”, after this has loaded all it's ads, I get stuck on tools. These tools, I don't think I'd use even if it “added” functionality to AIM. Now, AIM is making a come back. These tools seem to add some function. but the buddy list is encumbered with sticky things!? Next, we have MSN Messenger, I don't use it either. I have here and there, but I don't like anything that is “required” as part of an O/S install. The next is gAIM, the one I use. I'm not sure why I started using gAIM. This application is true to what it delivers, Instant messaging, not only that but I can add plug-ins which add functionality. I can do everything I can do with AIM, but without Ads and it is more focused on the “Buddy List and IM's” in general. It's not an email cleint, it's not a multi-functioning application portal, it's an Instant Messaging client.
I would be willing to pay a subscription to services like email, IM, quality streaming music, keywords and movies on demand. These are the proverbial “goods”, this gets us somewhat back to the “Giveaways” blarticle. A program, which I've stumbled upon, is Konfabulator. This is a kick-ass tool. This gives me, widget bliss. The widgets give me the web enabled applications I want, without the combersome clients. I can pick and choose which I want and which I don't. These are very easily written applications which, quite nicely, display information I want. I'd pay for that. Easy, cheap, modifiable widgets that give me information I want. If AOL only split out their services with widget interfaces, I'd pay 'em a subscription. I could get the security of their systems, the functionality of the fastest, most secure network in the world, yeah...I'd pay for that. When did the model (business, that is) lay out that customers should get what they want? oh, and they have pay for it! oh, and we can advertise to them as an alternate revenue stream! Oh, that I guess, was cable television.